Sunday, December 27, 2009

Jeep Jeep

Finally, after the battery had completely charged and the rain had passed, it was time to try out the Jeep.

Jeep Jeep from Kelly on Vimeo.

After Joshua got the hang of it (sort of), Jayden joined in on the fun. It was probably the best part of the day.

Little Drummer Boy

Never Had One Lesson

I don't know how Joshua knew how to do all this stuff. Maybe he is just gifted!

Drummer from Kelly on Vimeo.

Christmas Morning

Whoa! Look What Santa Brought!

Joshua must have been a good boy this year!

"The Reveal"
Try to listen for his little gasp after he asks about the bike.

Christmas Morning 2009 from Kelly on Vimeo.

Cookies for Santa

Christmas Eve at Christmas Lane

On Christmas Eve, we went to "Christmas Lane" with Poppy, Ricky,Brandi,and Jayden. Someone in Dover creates a large display mostly of retired mall decorations. It had a small town feel that we enjoyed, and of course, since there was a train, it was a hit with Joshua! We even got to see Santa on his way out to the North Pole.

Gingerbread House

2009 Christmas Card

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Santa Experience 2009

Well at least he didn't cry when meeting Santa this year. Santa looked great!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Joshua just watched Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer for the first time. It felt like a special event, and I'm glad I got to witness it.


Christmas Nativity Pyramid

We recieved a special gift from Papa, Lala, and the Campbells. The Christmas Nativity Pyramid is a tradition in Germany. Joshua was mesmerized by the spinning parts.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Box

We had fun opening a Happy Box from Lala and Papa.

Untitled from Kelly on Vimeo.

Untitled from Kelly on Vimeo.

Untitled from Kelly on Vimeo.

Modeling Christmas Pajamas

Can you believe those jammies are 5T???

Joshua's New Chair

Happy Halloween!

Joshua was in a BAD mood when I got him dressed, so I was worried that the evening would be a bust. But, after a visit to the neighbor's carnival and ringing a few doorbells, Joshua was having a great time. Toward the end of the night, I asked if he wanted to go home, and he said "No! I need more treats!" Ha Ha!

Pumpkin Carving

Joshua's "puter"

When we went to Disney Marketplace to visit friends, we brought along the portable DVD placer to entertain Joshua. He loved it so much, he wanted to watch all his shows on his "puter". I guess he thought he had a laptop just like Mom and Dad.

Choo! Choo!

Joshua is into trains. They have a kiddie train at the Disney Marketplace, and Joshua said he wanted to ride it. I didn't think it would go well since he hated the carousel at the fair this Spring. But he marched right up, all alone,and gave his token. He insisted on sitting in the front, and loved the ride on the choo choo.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Clearwater Beach

We took Joshua to the beach for the first time since he was 9 months old. He was excited to go after seeing the beach on an episode of Dora the Explorer. He loved splashing in the waves, digging in the sand, and terrorizing the seagulls! We found out later that Joshua is allergic to sunscreen (or at least that particular brand), but it was a great day!

More Clearwater Beach