Saturday, September 29, 2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A New Playmate

Pulling Up

Neat Picture

Disney Marketplace

My friend Roxanne was in Orlando, so we went to visit.

Patron of the Arts- Joshua looks on as his name is done in a beautiful Asian art form.

After a few hours, Joshua was wiped out!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Road Trip...Mobile

Biter Biscuit in the car...What a mess!

Joshua and his Uncle Bre

Weird high chair at Japanese Imperial

New Obsession

Who needs Fisher Price? Joshua loves sticks! Really long sticks to be exact. I am amazed at how many ways he has discovered to move them around. The best was when he was on his hands and knees and balanced the stick on his back!

Starting chores early....

The Great Outdoors

We had an almost pleasant evening here in Tampa the other night, so we spent some time in the backyard.

"Uh, you want me to do what?"